Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Nashua schools restrict reading of Lois Lowry book

Elementary school teachers in Nashua, New Hampshire, must now notify parents if they are going to use Lois Lowry’s Newbery Medal–winning science-fiction book The Giver in their classrooms. The school board made the decision July 7, by a 7–1 vote, after a two-hour hearing. Parent Jodi Gould had wanted the book removed from elementary school libraries, but the board felt that was too restrictive....(click to read more)
I like what someone commented about this article:
Removing books from a library, smacks of censorship. As a parent you have the right and the responsibility to know what your child is reading. You do not however have the right to decide for others. Yes there will be children whose parents aren't involved. That is not your business either. If we only read or are exposed to material that makes us comfortable, we are not being educated. Discussing material that alerts our children to behaviors other than our own is educating them. As the world becomes a smaller place this education will become more important. We can no longer pull a blanket over ours heads and say we are safe from the world. I agree that offering age appropriate materials is important, but what is age appropriate for one is not necessarily so for another. Censorship on any level is not acceptable in a society that is open to learning and experiencing what the world has to offer. If your child has questions or doesn't understand a concept this is your golden opportunity to guide and assist them. That is the job of a parent. Teach them to be open minded and to see a larger picture. Censorship is not the way.


Anonymous said...

I had a private student (age 11) read the giver here in Taiwan. WHAT AN EYE OPENER for him. It gave us so many positive and productive things to talk about, and he asked some great questions. (Glad we read it before Lord of the Flies...) So, I guess I'm not commenting on censorship, but ... that I love that book and at the RIGHT TIME it is an amazing teaching tool.
