Sunday, March 25, 2007

Stomp the Yard

I just got back from the Dollar Theater with my roomies, we watched Stomp the Yard. It was way good and had some incredible stomp dancing. It was totally a dance movie for guys - let me explain. Newcomer comes to school/town, tries hard to learn how to dance and to become friends, etc. Conflict of some sort, then big finale with great dancing and they win the prize or reward, etc. Yep, that was it in a nutshell. What was nice was that I don't remember hearing any swearing and there were no love "scenes".

So, I didn't get that job at Sandy Library. It's all good - my application is still in the system and I was told that I ranked pretty well. I'm sure another offer will come soon. There may be some openings as Assistants, full-time, in the city library so I'm keeping my ears open.