Saturday, October 11, 2008

Trouble Magnet

So, I went to a wedding reception in the Riverside area, kind of by Sutherland's, off of Redwood Road. Well, while I was in the church enjoying myself, and my car was broken into AGAIN. They took the stereo and some DVDs from the library. I was so upset, I'm still upset! How dare they! I called the police, but they just gave me a case number and that was it. I honestly don't remember if I locked the door or not - I think it's habit but did I forget or is my little Honda a magnet for trouble? I might be responsible for the library DVDs (one costs about $60), but I'm going to attempt to fight it because it's not my fault! We'll see if they are merciful! Oooh, I'm so frustrated! I'm praying for peace about the situation, and also that they culprits might take my DVDs back to the library because they are not hot titles (one is a British tv show season, one is an episode of Doctor Who from the 70's, and one is a children's book on CD) - but I'm not crossing my fingers!