Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Desk

This is my second week working in the Children's department and I love it. We have started the homework help and so far I have had some kids come up to for help. Hopefully this will be a successful thing! We had a 2 volunteers come in, one on Mon and one today and hopefully we'll have one for everyday. If not, that's ok, I can man the table right now. While it's quiet, I have had some time to just read. I hope to start doing some more productive projects for the department - but in the meantime I will read. Did I mention that I have my own desk? Yes, I have a desk and drawers and a bulletin board and even a trash bin. I've never had my own desk before and I'm excited for the possibilities of personalizing it. I'll have to take a picture of my desk to you can be proud. So, since I have a degree I have been promoted from an Associate to Librarian in title and a small wage increase ($17.46 per hour). I am excited that I can finally say I'm a Children's Librarian. Hopefully I can get full-time work in the near future! That would be a goal accomplishment.