Monday, March 30, 2009

Current Projects

It's getting better to work 8 hours. The hour lunch helps break up the day and I find that I'll look at the clock and will only have an hour left until I can leave. Time flies when you're busy and not watching the clock.
I'm currently working on a system-wide project in that we are putting new call number labels on the graphic novels (which is "an artistic book, produced by a graphic novelist utilising the form of a comic book" - and they're all the rage with the teens). So, I receive a packet of labels, next I find the book on the shelf and change the call number in the computer catalog. Then, I stick the label with the book and put it on the repair cart - and the part time staff takes over and puts the new label on the book.
This is one of the projects that keeps me busy - besides my main task of deciding which books to get for our collection. I don't have to choose from all the books available, but from a pre-selected shopping "cart" that a designated librarian has put together. I just have to go through the titles in the cart, look at the reviews, and decide if we want or need it. I have access to three accounts which produce carts different times during the month and that will keep me busy when they start popping those out more often. This is a new system and they are working on getting the glitches out.
Sorry for all the library talk - I just wanted to give you a sampling of what I'm doing here as a (insert snooty voice) "professional librarian". It's good.


Tay and Jen said...

Hey Elizabeth! Looks and sounds like the perfect job! No lie! Good job for you. Virginia sounds awesome. I have always wanted to visit Chesapeake Bay. I've heard it's beautiful there- and you get to live there!!! I am excited for this new adventure for you. Yes you are a 'Professional'!